Project info

  • Work:by Johnson
  • Date:Sept. 2018
  • Title:Film to Canvas
  • How:Oil, Acrylic, Resin

Film Leader Series

This non-figurative work can resemble abstract expressionism but at closer inspection, the works are graphic representations of film extracted from the beginning frames of his 16mm short films know as "leader". The clear resin coating mimics the texture of celluloid.

My paintings often investigate juxtaposition — oppositions between reality and representation, high art and mass culture, abstraction and figuration, manual versus the mechanical, and of their interdependences. These works explore the intersection of film and fine art.

Paintings are often accompanied by a video installation providing the viewer with the source of inspiration while they watch the work come to life in another medium on another platform.

The sausage: The image was extracted from the leader of a 16mm short film, then colorized. The canvas is first spray painted, then painted with acrylic, and later oil paint to deepen and smooth areas. Finally, an art resin is applied to give it a cellular film-like finish.